Secure your future with the Carpenters' Pension Plan. Set up to provide retirement benefits for you, the Pension Plan provides a monthly benefit to you after retirement to help supplement Social Security and personal savings.

The Pension Plan is funded by participating employers who contribute hours worked under a labor contract or participation agreement. No contributions are required from Participants themselves and none are permitted.

For details on how your pension is calculated, please review the Pension Summary Plan Description or contact us.

  • Normal Retirement Benefits
  • Early Retirement Benefits
  • Joint and Survivor Benefits
  • Disability Benefits
  • Death Benefits
  • Deferred Vested Benefits



How can I transfer contributions for hours worked in another Fund's jurisdiction back to North Central States Carpenters' Pension Fund?
Call the Fund Office to request a pension transfer form from the Fund Office before you start working in another Fund's jurisdiction. If you stop working in another Fund's jurisdiction and return at a later date, check with the Fund Office to make sure your transfer is still in effect. Click the link to print a copy of the Pension Reciprocity Form.
How do I designate a beneficiary?
If you need to designate or change a beneficiary, the beneficiary designation must be on a beneficiary form obtained from the Fund Office. It is important that you keep your beneficiary designation up-to-date as death benefits are paid according to the most recent designation filed by you as long as it is in accord with Plan provisions and the law. Click the link to print a copy of the beneficiary form.
What if I get divorced?
When your divorce is final, the Fund Office will need a copy of your divorce documents and will provide information and forms if a portion of your pension benefit is awarded to your ex-spouse.
Can vesting credits and contributions be forfeited?
If you are not Vested and you have five consecutive Calendar Years without a year of Vesting Credit (300 hours), the contributions and Vesting Credits will be forfeited.
How do I become eligible for a benefit?
You must become a Participant and earn enough hours to be vested. You become a Participant the July 1 or January 1 following a twelve month period beginning with:

The first contributions received at North Central States Carpenter's Pension Fund
- OR -
The start of a Plan Year starting after the first contribution received.

A minimum of 750 hours of contributions are credited on your behalf from your Employer during the twelve month period.

Five years of Continuous Vesting Credit is required for a Normal Retirement Benefit at age 62. Ten years of Continuous Vesting Credit is required for an Early Retirement Benefit at age 55.

If you've had a Break-in-Service, your Normal or Early Retirement Age may be different than age 62 or 55.
Is there a disability benefit available through North Central States Carpenters' Pension Fund?
Yes. You must be totally and permanently disabled and meet the Plan Requirements to receive a Disability Benefit.
Can I borrow contributions, receive a lump-sum payment, or roll over contributions from my Pension Fund before I retire?
No. The Plan does not allow withdrawal of contributions, lump sum payments, or rollovers of contributions. The only method of payment is a monthly pension benefit at Retirement Age.
How do I earn a vesting credit?
Each calendar year, you earn one year of Vesting Credit when at least 300 hours of employer-paid contributions are credited on your behalf.
Can I make contributions into the fund?
No. The Plan is funded by participating Employers who contribute to the Pension Fund for hours worked under a labor contract or participation agreement. No contributions are required from Participants themselves and none are permitted.
What is a break-in-service?
A Break-in-Service happens if you have four consecutive calendar years without working at least 300 hours for a contributing Employer. Any future improvements in the Plan would not apply to the contributions made prior to the Break-In-Service.


Can I work in plan-related employment after I retire?
If you receive an Early Retirement Benefit, you cannot work the first 60 days from the date of your retirement, and you must make no prior plans or arrangements to return to Plan-Related-Employment. If you receive a Normal Retirement Benefit, you can return to work immediately. The number of hours you can work in Plan-Related Employment is limited. Your pension benefit is suspended for any calendar month in which you work 40 or more hours after having worked 400 hours in prior months in any one Calendar Year in "Plan-Related Employment".
How do I send my pension check to a different bank or financial institution?
You must complete a direct deposit form. A printable deposit form is available under Forms in the Pension section.
Can I change my tax withholding?
Yes. Request a Federal Income Tax Withholding Form from the Fund Office. If you reside in Wisconsin, a State Income Tax Withholding Form can be provided as well. Printable tax forms are available under printable forms.
Does my monthly retirement benefit increase after I retire?
If you return to work for a contributing Employer, your monthly benefit will be adjusted the following January.
Will I receive a statement for income tax purposes after I retire?
Yes, you will receive a 1099-R form. The form is mailed no later than January 31 of each year.


Can my pension check be sent to my bank or other financial institution?
Yes. You can have your pension check directly deposited into your checking or savings account. Click the link to print a copy of the Direct Deposit form.
What is the joint and survivor option?
With the Joint and Survivor option, benefits paid to you as a retiree are continued after your death in a reduced amount to your spouse. Your monthly benefit is reduced because the total amount of benefit you have earned is expected to be paid over both your lifetime and your spouse's instead of yours alone. The monthly benefit payable to your spouse after your death is two-thirds of the monthly benefit that was paid or payable to you.
At what age can I retire?
Normal Retirement Age is 62 for Participants with 5 years of vesting credit. Early Retirement Age is 55 for Participants with 10 years of vesting credit. If you've had a Break-in-Service, your Normal or Early Retirement Age may be different than age 62 or 55.
Can I get a lump sum benefit when I retire?
If the actuarial equivalent of your pension benefit is a lump sum of $5,000 or less, your benefit will be paid to you in one lump sum amount rather than in monthly payments. If you are eligible for a lump sum benefit at retirement, you can roll it over or have payment made directly to you.
When should I call the Fund Office for a retirement benefit estimate and application?
Request your retirement benefit estimate no earlier than 180 days before and no later than 31 days before the month you want to begin retirement benefits.

Street Address:
1704 Devney Drive    Altoona, WI 54720

Mailing Address:
PO Box 4002    Eau Claire, WI 54702