You may now submit your remittance reports online straight from our secure website! In order to obtain a username and password, you must first be approved by filling out an online remittance reporting application.

If you have already completed the application and were assigned a username and password, log into the reporting system.




What is a remittance report?
A remittance report is used to report monthly fringe benefits. Fringe benefits must be funded for all employees doing covered work in accordance with your Carpenters' Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Once you have filed your initial remittance report, pre-printed forms will be mailed to you each month. If you make your payment in a timely manner, the remittance report will list the individuals for whom you paid contributions the previous month. Click the link to print a copy of the remittance report.
I understand there are several areas within the Fund's jurisdiction. If my company has job sites in multiple areas, can I report all the hours on one form?
As a general rule, each area must be reported on a separate form. For questions regarding specific areas, please contact the Fund Office.
Where do I send remittance reports?
The remittance reports and payments should be mailed to:

North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters Central Depository
PO Box 282
Eau Claire WI 54702
Do I have to write separate checks for each fund and each location?
No, payments due to all Funds (Defined Benefit Pension, Defined Contribution Pension, Health, Vacation, Training, Dues deduction, UBC, LMC, IAP/CAF,UBC MW, CLMC) for work in the Fund's jurisdiction can be combined on one check.
Can I submit reports electronically?
Yes. You will need to complete an online remittance application to obtain a user id and password. Please call the Fund Office to get a copy of this application or download it here.
When are the remittance reports due?
Remittance reports must be postmarked by the 15th of the month following the work month.

For example: payment for January work hours must be postmarked on or before February 15th.
What if the 15th of the month falls on a weekend or holiday?
If so, the next business day's postmark will be accepted.
What happens if the remittance report is postmarked later than the 15th of the month?
Interest is assessed on all contributions at the rate of 1.5% per month. Interest is charged on a daily basis, so if you are two days late, you are assessed two days interest.
If we performed no work during the month, are remittance reports still required?
Yes, an inactive remittance report must be filed with the Fund Office. Once we are notified, no further remittance reports are due until work is performed again. A blank remittance report will be sent to you for future funding.
Why is an inactive report required?
It is important for the Fund Office to know your activity status. If you do not file a remittance report, we do not know whether you are inactive or delinquent. Your company will be placed on our suspected Delinquency List until the Fund Office receives a remittance report indicating you did not work in the jurisdiction.
What is a suspected delinquency list?
This is a list of all Employers who have not submitted their monthly remittance reports. It is sent to the Board of Trustees, Business Agents, Fund Auditors, Attorneys, and to contributing Employers.
Why did I receive a "verification of fringe benefit provisions" letter?
When the Fund Office receives a copy of your signed CBA, we send you the verification letter to confirm the benefit contribution rates in the labor agreement. The contribution rates and the geographical jurisdiction(s) will be listed. If you are a newly signed employer, a remittance instruction booklet and blank remittance forms will be included with the verification letter.
What should I do if I think there is a discrepancy on my verification letter?
Please notify the Fund Office in writing with 10 days of the date of the verification letter.
What is a payroll audit?
The Funds' Auditors will contact you six months to a year after you sign your first CBA. The Auditors will conduct a review of your payroll records to verify accurate and timely reporting and payment of benefit contributions. Any discrepancies found by the Auditor will be billed to your company. When you signed your CBA, you agreed to cooperate with the Auditors and to provide the information requested.
How often will I be audited?
Generally, companies are audited once every 2.5 to 3 years.
Will I be charged for this audit?
An appearance fee of $100.00 MAY be billed to contractors who fail to be present or prepared at the time of the scheduled audit. This fee encourages Employers to comply with appointment letters from the audit staff and to give proper notification in the event that an audit date is inconvenient.

There MAY be an additional audit fee of $250.00 for Employers that are audited more frequently because of their delinquencies.


No, the CBA does not cover owners or officers of a company. However, you may qualify to participate under the Alumni Agreement or the Non-Bargaining Unit (NBU) Agreement. Contact the Fund Office for Requirements for Participation.
The Alumni Agreement is for owners and officers of companies who have had previous contributions paid in their behalf to the Funds under a CBA and want to continue participating in the Funds. This agreement allows you to choose which Alumni employee classifications will participate.
The NBU Agreement is for owners, officers, and/or employees not covered under a CBA, who have not had previous contributions paid to the Funds under a CBA. This agreement requires "All or None" participation, which means ALL owners, officers, and any staff that are not covered by a CBA must be funded.
The Alumni Agreement is available for the Defined Benefit Pension Fund, Health Fund, Vacation Fund, and Training Fund.

The NBU Agreement is available for the Defined Benefit Pension Fund and the Health Fund only.

You may choose to participate in any of the Funds, but a separate signed agreement is required for each Fund.
The Alumni Agreement can be signed at any time. However, the NBU Agreement is available during the first year after an Employer signs the CBA. After the first year, NBU Agreements must be approved by each Fund's Board of Trustees.
No, you can only participate in one type of agreement for each Fund. However, if you qualify, you may participate in an Alumni Agreement for one Fund and an NBU Agreement for another Fund.
No, employees covered by your Alumni or NBU Agreement must be reported on a separate remittance report.
If your company fails to contribute for the CBA employees, your Alumni or NBU contributions will not be credited until CBA contributions are current.

Street Address:
1704 Devney Drive    Altoona, WI 54720

Mailing Address:
PO Box 4002    Eau Claire, WI 54702